St. Oswald's Church
For further information, please visit the church website.
Services at our church
All age worship: 1st Sunday of every month at 10am.
Baptism: 2nd Sunday of every month at 12 noon
Holy Communion: 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays of every month at 10 am ( with Footsteps Sunday School Group for children )
Festivals and Events: as announced.
Holy Communion: is taken to the sick, housebound and nursing homes on a regular basis.
For more information speak to the Vicar or ring the Vicarage at any time, if no answer please leave your name and phone number and we will contact you.
Footsteps: This is our Sunday School Group for Primary School age children, during our Sunday Service, each Sunday morning ( apart from 1st Sunday of the month, when we have an all-age service together.)
Messy Church: 2nd Wedneday of every month at 4.30pm